Speed Pulley for Extra Cooling with Free shipping


The use of our smaller diameter Speed pulley will increase the fan rotating speed up to 25% so a engine that turns only 2,800 rpm's the fan with our Speed Pulley thinks the engine is turning 3,500 rpm's. This is huge improvement on combos with freeway flyer and 5 speeds transmissions with tall gearing. Also helps on large rear tire combos like Baja's or Manx style buggies. Best improvement for a hot car used in stop and go traffic. We use them on daily driver large combos that make all low-end power and don't need to turn rpm to make power. If your making power lower in rpm then your not spinning the fan to combat the heat. Remember you cant make HP or energy without making heat!

Each LowBugget Speed Pulley is zinc coated and use standard VW pulley shims and bolts.


1x Speed Pulley.

1x V-Belt fits onto SPEED PULLEY and your standard size lower crank pulley.

8x shims to set belt tension.

1x Chrome Pulley Nut as shown in picture.

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